Summer is back and its getting difficult to spend time in the kitchen cooking three meals a day. So why not make a collection of recipes that are quick to make so that we get to enjoy good food done in lesser time..This month Whats Your Favourite event theme is Quick Food..Come out with all those delicious and easy to prepare filling breakfasts, lunch ideas, snacks, sweets, starters and anything that would give you more time to relax without compromising on food.
Please note that
Please note that
1) After posting your recipe on your blog, please link it back to this announcement and add the logo if possible. In case you wish to send some dish that you have posted earlier, please repost it with the link to the event and the logo. Please restrict the number of entries to three.

2) Please post only vegetarian recipes for the event since this is a 100% Vegetarian blog. No eggs please. If you are a non-blogger, mail me the recipe and the picture.
3) Mail me the following details - Subject: WYF:Quick Meal, your name, dish name and link to the post to by 31st May '09. I will pick up the picture from your neednt send it. The roundup would be published during the first week of June.
Looking forward to your participation in the event.