AFAM or A Fruit A Month event was started by Maheswari of Beyond the usual blog. This month's AFAM is being proudly hosted by Simple Indian Food and the fruit for the month is Lemon-The King of Citrus fruits. Lemon is used for culinary as well as non culinary purposes. Although the juice is mainly used,the rind is also made use of for cooking and baking. The tart taste to the lime is due to the citric acid content. Information Source: Wikipedia
Please note that
1) Post a dish where the flavour of lemon/lime is the highlight. A link to this annoucement in your post is a must and if possible please add the logo.
Please note that
1) Post a dish where the flavour of lemon/lime is the highlight. A link to this annoucement in your post is a must and if possible please add the logo.

2) In case you wish to send some dish that you have posted earlier, please repost it with the link to the event and logo.
3) No restrictions on the number of entries...send in as many as you can
4) Please post only vegetarian recipes for the event since this is a 100% Vegetarian blog. No eggs please. If you are a non-blogger, mail me the recipe and the picture.
5) Mail me the following details - your name, dish name and link to the post to by the 31st of August '08. I will pick up the snap from your neednt send it. The roundup would be published during the first week of September.
Looking forward to your participation in the event
Nice theme....Will come up with something....Enjoy hosting:))
Two events in the same month!? You are certainly going to be busy :)
Nice choice EC - I hope to send an entry over to you.
Nice theme, hope i can come up with something lemony!
Good idea,hope I am able to join in this time:)
Great theme... will join in soon...
Good selection... Hope to send in an entry.
Count me in. Will send the entries.
Nice choice of fruit....will send mine soon..
First time here..nice choice of fruit.. will join and sent mine..
U have a wonderful blog,i will try to send u a recipe.My the way iam G.pavani,recently added to url is
sent my entry
I am just sending in my entry to you. Also, just one thing, the link to Maheshwari's blog isn't there in your post above...
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