
Nellikaai Pachadi (Amla Raita)

Ingredients (Translation)

Amla -2
Salt to taste
1 tsp grated coconut
1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
2 big spoons Thick curd

Cut the amla into small pieces leaving out the seed. Grind it along with coconut.

Heat oil, add mustard seeds. When it splutters, add the grinded amla and allow it to cook for a minute.

Let it cool and finally add the curd. Mix well. Goes well with all kinds of mixed rice.
how to make raita, pachadi recipe, recipes with nellikaai, recipes with amla


  1. I was thinking to post this in my did it...But only thing is i was thinking to use dried nellikkai!!!

  2. Oh can't remember the last time i are nelikka. The pachidi looks delicious.
    I remeber when we were in school we used to eat nelika with salt and then drink water as it nelika gave a sweet taste to the water ;-)

  3. Ooo ... we used to pluck nellikais off the trees and eat them when we were kids. I really miss that :(

    Hmm, wonder where I can get my hands on some fresh nellikai here!

  4. we get only frozen here :(...the fresh ones look so good..

  5. Yeah dont remember when I had nellikai the last time..Its a long time though. I liked the small nellikai more than the bigger ones and have memories of plucking from trees when i was small..
    pachidi looks great.

  6. @ Raks Kitchen... Dont know if the taste would be different with the dry ones, but it surely will be useful for those who dont get fresh nellikaai.

    @ Happy Cook, Rajitha, Prema ... Ya, all such small incidents of childhood can never be forgotten.

    @ Rajitha.. you can try with frozen ones too..

  7. I don't think we get fresh Nellikai here, should check...pacchadi looks mouth watering :)

  8. oh first time seeing a recipe with amla and dying to try it.But not sure wher in US I can get it..good recipe:)

  9. Patel Brother has SWAD amla.
    I tried pachadi, may be not as fresh as we get in india, but defintely mouthwatering.
    try it..u will luv it!!

  10. EC, this is a 'die die must try la' item for me..thanks for sharing..

  11. Mouth watering Raita...Ec ur raita is really tempting me..


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