

This version of appam is made from wheat flour

Ingredients (Translation)

1 cup jaggery
Wheat flour
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
Oil to fry

Add very little water to jaggery and let it dissolve without heating. Strain it to remove the impurities.

Add wheat flour little by little to get a thick batter. Add the cardamom powder and mix well.

Take a big spoon full of batter and pour it slowly and evenly in hot oil. Cook on both sides till it becomes dark brown..dont let it become completely black.

A simple wheat flour appam is ready to serve. It takes very less time to make these.

This goes to the 'Power'less cooking event...

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how to make appam, sweet appam, quick and easy to make sweet, wheat flour, aapam recipe

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  1. i love this version of appam more than the one made in the mould..this one somehow is a little more thinner..cooks really evenly and juicer!!

  2. Yum! Brings back great memories :)


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