
Budding blogger: Foodie girls

Budding blogger series introduces new bloggers (those blogging for less than a year) every wednesday and promotes their blogs through Simple Indian Food. If you are interested in being a part of this series, please mail me a short description about your blog, the cuisine you specialize and your objective/inspiration in blogging to

This week's featured blogger is a group of office friends managing the blog Le Bouffe. In less than 6 months they are nearing almost 100 recipes and also have some restaurant recommendations..Here is what Naina from the group has to say-

We're a group of office friends... but its mostly got my recipes :) Well.. some reasons/ objectives to start blogging.

As we'd share food on the lunch table, we'd share recipes.. so thought that a blog would be a good way to have all the recipes we needed in one place.. Else, we'd have to repeat the recipe to the friends missing at the lunch table that day!

Also, many a times, I'd be surfing on the net to look for recipes. I came across lots of recipes on blogs, that are really authentic, with nice tips and secrets of cooking.. seemed really nice.

For me, I've always wanted to have a record of my own recipes. But I just never sit on the internet at home. So, Ashwini created this blog, and we started off..

Its been great so far.. events, comments.. but my fav is the dashboard, where in I get the daily update for the blogs I follow, and learn new recipes!


  1. Good luck to Naina and Ashwini to post more mouthwatering recipes and please us fellow bloggers.


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