
Think Spice: Think Cardamom Event

Cardamom (Elaichi, Yellakka, Yellakki, Elakka) is mainly a herb that takes the form of a small seedpod. There are two types of and brown, popularly known in India as choti elaichi and moti elaichi. Green cardamom is the more widely used variety and is a key ingredient in enhancing flavours in desserts, gravies, garam masala, tea and coffee. It also has medicinal values and is used to treat infections in teeth and gums, to prevent and treat throat troubles, congestion of lungs and pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of eyelids and digestive disorders.

The Think Spice event is the brainchild of Sunita from Sunita’s World. This month's Think Spice theme is Think Cardamom and this blog is proud to guest host the edition.

To be a part of this event-

1) Post a recipe with cardamom as one of its key ingredients. You could use green cardamom or brown, whole or powdered. Make sure that the flavor of cardamom is the highlight of the dish.

You could even post about the benefits or other information related to cardamom. If you are a non-blogger, mail me the recipe and the picture. That will be included in the roundup.

2) Link back to the event and if possible please use the logo.

(Photo source: Google search)

3) Kindly post only vegetarian dishes for the event since this is a vegetarian blog . (Please note that eggs are also considered to be non vegetarian)

4) Mail me the details -


Name of the dish

Blog Name

Link to the post

A photo of the dish

to on or before 25th May '08 and the roundup would be up by the first week of June.


  1. EC, that is a lovely choice...cardamom is one of my favourite spices...thanks for hosting :-)

  2. oooohh!!I am in for this event :)

  3. Fantastic choice, EC!! I love cardamom - especially for desserts. I will send something soon.

  4. will try to come with something...

  5. hi..i have mailed u the details of my entry dish...i hope u got it..plz let me know if u havent received it..thank u

  6. Hey EC,
    I've just sent you my entry with the details. Hope you have received it.:)

  7. count me in. will send u my entry by tom.

  8. hi..i have mailed you mine..hope you received it.

  9. I sent my entry yest, i dont know if u got it or not

  10. I sent my entry. Did you receive it?

  11. Just sent you my entry. Managed to meet the deadline! Hope you get it.


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