
Sprouts vadai


1 cup blackgram dal (soaked for 30 minutes)
Salt to taste
1/2 cup cooked moong sprouts
1/4 tsp ginger paste
1 small green chilli
Finely chopped coriander leaves
Oil to fry

Grind the blackgram dal, green chilli finely without adding water. If required not more than 2 tsp of water should be added. Add salt, ginger paste, cooked sprouts and little coriander leaves to this batter. Heat oil. Wet fingers and take a small ball of the dough and throw it slowly on the fingers. Make a small hole in the center and slowly put it into hot oil. Repeat till as much the oil can hold. Fry till golden brown on both sides and drain excess oil in a tissue paper. Serve hot with chutney/sambar.
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  1. Thats a nice idea and healthy snack for tea time.


  2. healthy vadai and best tea time snack

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    I am hosting my first Link-up party - Tea Time Thursdays. Would be glad to see you there :) You can add a link to your favorite dishes!

  4. Love the combination of dals and idea of adding cooked sprouts just like that in vadai :)

  5. Delicious,and high on protein too!:-)

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