
Super blogger Sunday: Divya Kudua of Easycooking

Meet Divya Kudua of Easycooking as a Super blogger this sunday. She has more than 400 recipes posted in 3 years time. The main attraction in her blog is more than 100 baking recipes and collection of Konkani recipes..Her style of posting recipes with step by step pictures makes it much more easier to follow ..Read more about her..

EC: Tell us something about yourself

Divya: Hello all of you and Thank you EC for giving me an opportunity to be a part of your blog. I am a Food-blogger based in Chennai. Ten years ago if someone had told me I would be having a Food blog of my own, I would have laughed at them. For someone who learnt cooking only after marriage [left with no choice] and someone who had no idea what a blog is all about, I think I've come a long way. As they say, "Necessity is the mother of invention"-combined with "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" sums up my Cooking journey so far.

I started the blog on a whim, not knowing what I was going to blog about or how I was going to make my food look presentable. Slowly, I learnt.Food which looks good has to taste good too and vice versa, then began my never ending quest for recipes which anyone could cook. I've been blogging for nearly three years now and every time I get a comment, my heart skips a beat. I think for every blogger, the feedback from the readers is most important and for me,no joy is more when some one tries recipes from my blog and says how much they loved it!!

Initially, I used to post only recipes which I normally cook on a day to day basis. Though they form the crux of our menu, I started experimenting on different kinds of food.Baking, for example is something I learnt only after I started blogging and I am hooked now. Every time I bake, it gives me so much satisfaction making me think, what next!! I try to post 2-3 recipes a week, but sometimes it goes down to two or maybe even one. Depends on my mood and what new stuff I've cooked!!

EC: Who and what inspired you to start food blogging ??

Divya: It was during a usual Internet browsing that I came across Roopa of Kitchen Treats' blog. From there I hopped on to Shilpa's blog and then one thing led to another and I had a blog too. The very thought of blogging about something I've cooked and getting feedback for it is what made me plunge deeply into Food blogging.

EC: You have tried various cuisines...Which do you think is the easiest to cook and which is your personal favourite?

Divya: I would say Konkani and Kerala cuisine. Because that is what I grew up eating and something which I can cook without referring to recipe books. And simple foods are always the most tastiest, I would say the same for my favorite cuisine too!!

EC: Do you think blogging has widened your perspective and exposure?

Divya: Absolutely. Thanks to food blogging, I can confidently cook different varieties of food now.

EC: You have baked a lot of eggless goodies..which of your baking recipe would you suggest for a first timer and any tips on baking.

Divya: I started trying out Eggless bakes for my amma and ma-in-law, who do not eat eggs. After the initial success, I tried many recipes from different blogs and most of the times, I got perfect results. One thing I would like to tell beginner bakers is that-Do not get intimidated by baking. Baking is just like regular cooking, except that, in baking, we have to take extreme caution in following the recipe as it is. Once you master the art, you can tweak the recipes to your requirement.

EC: Have your recipes been copied anywhere without your permission..How would you deal with plagiarism ??

Divya: Fortunately no. I find it very strange that people try to pass off someone else's work as their own and feel that plagiarism should be dealt with seriously.

EC: Your favourite vegetarian recipe

Divya: I would say Palak Pathrodo. Pathrodo is a Konkani delicacy made with Colocasia leaves, here I have tried with Palak.


  1. That is a very lovely sum up of your blogging years, Divya. Best wishes for many more of such successful years in blogging.

    Lite Bite

  2. Love Divya's space, especially for her bakes, glad to know more about her..

  3. Happy to know more about Divya. Always love her recipes! I specially adore her cakes! They are lovely with a beautiful presentation.

  4. Nice to hear about blogging journeys!
    I am hosting a cooking competition and food blogging event called Kerala Kitchen and would love if you came over with a dish inspired by Kerala:


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