
Super blogger sunday : Chitra of Ratatouille - Anyone can cook

Chitra from Ratatouille- Anyone can cook is this week's featured super blogger. With a little more than 130 recipes in two years, you look for nice pictures and good variety on her blog..And the highlight is the "Kitchen clinic" series..Read more about her..

EC: Tell us something about yourself 

Chitra: First I thank EC for giving me this renowned title & a chance to tell about myself to this blogging world.

I am a home maker with cooking as passion & avocation. Before my marriage, my lovable mom never allowed me to enter the kitchen. So I cooked only at exigency and that too very simple dishes.

After my marriage, to my luck I've got my MIL equivalent to my mom who never enjoined me to do the house holds. I learnt and did everything out of my own interest and slowly started cooking.

Now iam a full time cook experimenting all the dishes of my MIL & MOM for my caring partner. Also I am the mom of a 4 yr old cutie who keeps me occupied round the clock.

I started my food blog on the eve of new year 2008. Its just completing its 2 years. As everbody says I too consider this blog as my diary / record of recipes for which I get good results. Sometimes I try some recipes from other blogs and I treasure them in my blog. Nowadays I am not blogging actively like before due to some personal reasons.

But I make sure I post atleast 2-3 recipes in a month. I am doing my best to post more n more recipes in future and planning to do some changes in the way I present my blog. Other than blogging, I have interest in reading magazines , shares & MFs.

EC: Who and what inspired you to start food blogging ??

Chitra: My husband is the sole responsible & motivation to start my blog. He suggested me this catchy title & taught me all the technical basics. Whenever I want to try some new recipes, like u all I too go for the google search..One such recipe I wanted to try was gongura thogayal which I got from srivalli's blog.

From then I started to visit her blog for various recipes and tried at home. So I should say her blog is also an important factor to start my own. Thanks a lot srivalli for being my inspiration :).

One more person I should mention at this point is my SIL..I dont want to say much about her blog. Its name says the fame.she shared me some useful tips in photography.

I think my pics are somewhat looking better just becoz of her ideas. Thank u so much raji :)

EC: How do you think blogging has changed your life ?

Chitra: Blogging has improved my cooking skills, came to know different cuisines and above all it has fetched me so many encouraging friends.

It makes me spend my afternoons in an useful way..This is the second thing that keeps me busy next to my doter.:)

EC: Which is the dish that is a hot favourite among ur family and friends..Any cuisine or recipe that you have been wanting to try since long.

Chitra: I think my thogayals are the favorite dishes among my family members and friends. But my husband loves all the sambhars I make for breakfast / dinner. He used to say I am good in making tiffin varieties ;)

As I have posted so many traditional recipes from my MIL & mom's kitchen, I crave to try baking stuffs .I really want to post some cookies, cakes & pastries in my blog. I hope this new year brings my wishes come true :P

EC: What are the sources of your recipes..Do you follow them as it is ??

Chitra: Most of the recipes are from my MIL & MOM. Other than this I try the recipes of my friends,cookbooks & blogs.

I cook & blog all the recipes that suits my family's taste. I adjust the quantity of ingredients given by others especially the spices.

EC: Have your recipes been copied anywhere without your permission..How would you deal with plagiarism ??

Chitra: No, to my knowledge nothing have been copied without my permission. Of course plagiarism is an offence. Its like stealing others hardwork. But if i find anything copied from my blog , I dont feel angry or tempestuous. I think its of no use. Anyway once copied is copied.

I convince myself saying somebody likes my recipes and I had helped them to get name & fame.

Plagarism cannot be prevented or stopped. Copycats should realise by themselves & change on their own..Till then it will be there somewhere in a corner ..( friends , please dont throw stones on me for this reply;) )

EC: Your favourite vegetarian recipe
Chitra: Our favorite recipe is Ragi vermicelli - Sweet & spicy version. My hubby hates ragi but he loves to eat this vermicelli at anytime.


  1. Nice post..great to know little more about Chitra..:)
    Tasty appetite

  2. Ragi vermicelli looks splendid, glad to know more about Chitra..

  3. Hi - I am definitely delighted to discover this. cool job!


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