
Budding blogger: Foodzone

Budding blogger series introduces new bloggers (those blogging for less than a year) every wednesday and promotes their blogs through Simple Indian Food. If you are interested in being a part of this series, please mail me a short description about your blog, the cuisine you specialize and your objective/inspiration in blogging to

Foodzone is today's featured food blog..Read more what the author has to say-

I am a full time working mom of a 1.5 yr old naughty little girl. I come from a family of wonderful cooks.

I enjoy cooking and trying different cuisines. I am new to this blogging. Started very recently and got addicted to it. I happened to search for a recipe online and came across this wonderful world of food blogs.

For my love for cooking and experimenting, I wanted to start one right away. So me along with two other friends decided to start a food blog and I took the initiative and started this blog. So far I'm the only one posting though.

Coming to the blog, I called it foodzone and I post with the name "FoodZone". My main intention behind starting this food blog is it serves as a way to save my recipes( recipes passed on from my mom and MIL & my experiments) and also an easy way to share them with friends and family and ofcourse with all other foodies out there.

Main inspiration for my blog is my husband, who helps me with taking the pictures and uploading them. He calls himself the "Lab Rat" for my culinary experiments.

Lastly, I like to eat healthy and cook healthy. So I want to keep this blog active with someinteresting and healthy recipes. Hope you have fun reading my blog and try out my recipes.

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