
Budding blogger: Daisyblue

Budding blogger series introduces new bloggers (those blogging for less than a year) every wednesday and promotes their blogs through Simple Indian Food. If you are interested in being a part of this series, please mail me a short description about your blog, the cuisine you specialize and your objective/inspiration in blogging to

Meet Daisyblue of Spicy louge today in the budding blogger series.

She says -

Though I have been in the blogging world since 2006 as Daisyblue, my blog had been my own personal diary and my attempts in fiction writing.

It was in October 2009 , an year after my marriage that I decided to give a try for a food blog. Being a full time home maker in the United States made me realize my passion for cooking and the numerous food blogs in the blogosphere inspired me to start one on my own.With a very few posts initially , I revamped my blog after the start of 2010 and kick started it with full swing :)

So here I am with my blog "Spicy Lounge" mostly featuring Indian Vegetarian Cuisine and specializing in Tamil dishes and eagerly waiting to catch up many foodie friends and learn new recipes!!


Thanks for spending your valuable time reading my blog and posting your views...