
Super blogger sunday: Jayasree of Kailas kitchen

This week's featured blogger is Jayasree from Kailas kitchen. With Two and half years of blogging and more than 200 posts Jayasree continues to do wonders bringing out a lot of traditional recipes on her blog. She is a regular on twitter too..Read more about her..

EC: Tell us something about yourself

Jayasree: I started the blog more than two years back in May 2007. Initially I posted the recipes with out pictures. And since pictures help a long way to get the recipe across to the reader, started taking pictures. Blogging needs quality time. It can be a good past time. But when you are hard pressed for time. then its the passion that counts. So, inspite of one's busy schedule, one can manage to find time for the blog. I have the luxury of working from home. So managing home and work is a bit easier for me. I wanted to post alteast twice a week but occassionaly my job takes away most of the time and also the blogger's block keeps creeping in at times.

I also have a travel blog to document the different places I have managed to visit. Apart from cooking, I love reading and travelling a lot.

EC: Who and what inspired you to start food blogging ?

Jayasree: I knew about the concept of blogging but food blogging was something I was not of aware of then. On a google search for a particular recipe, I landed on Shilpa's Aayi's Recipes. Then I got to know about Viji's Vcuisine, Nandita's Saffron Trail etc. Those blogs inspired me to start one and my aim was to focus on Palakkad Iyer cuisine.

EC: Do you think blogging has widened your perspective and exposure?

Jayasree: Yes, indeed. To a greater extent than I could have ever thought of. Being in a small town, but for blogging, my cooking would not have gone beyond Kerala cuisine and some of the popular north indian recipes. I had nutured the desire to try baking for a long time. And blogging pushed it further and I got an OTG a year back. I am happy that with the help of fellow bloggers, I found success in eggless bakes.

I got many friends through blogging and particularly the friendship with one blogger has gone beyond blogging and I wish it stays the same throughout.

EC: Your views on plagiarism and how can we fight it ??

Jayasree: Plagiarism cannot be encouraged at all. But there is not much we can do against it since those who intent to copy will find alternate methods to do so with the help of techonology. Most of the time, we are unaware that our material is copied elsewhere unless you accidentally discovers it or any of your friends point it to. I had found one of my pictures used along with the contributor's recipe on a food site. The concerned person didnot respond to my comments/mail. Later, after few mails to the site admin, it was removed.

EC: What are your sources for recipes ?

Jayasree: My family's traditional recipes, cook books, TV, newspaper, fellow bloggers. I don't hesitate to ask for the recipe if I find it interesting when I taste it at my friends or relatives' home.

EC: Any particular blog/blogger whom you consider as a role model and blogs that motivate you

Jayasree: Each passionate blogger motivates me.

EC: What is that one dish which you would never try and the one that you have waiting to try out

Jayasree: I think I will never try cooking mushroom. (Who knows I might give it a try sometime in future...) . There are lots in the to-be-tried list and Jangiri tops the list.

EC: Your favourite vegetarian recipe

Jayasree: I post only what I have liked. There are many trials which have not come to the blog, though it might have come out well but not suitable to my palatte. Kaalan is a personal favorite of mine and my family. Though its only two years since I have been making milk chocolate, its a favorite with the kids in our family.


  1. Congratulations to Jayasree and a great job well done EC.It is so good to read about people whom you know only thro' the dishes they create and share. This takes it to a bit more personal level.

  2. Glad to know more about Jayasree, i love her blog much..keep rocking Jayasree..

  3. Great to know about Jaya- She owns lots of tradi. recipes :)

  4. that was a good read EC! Nice knowing you more Jaya!

  5. that was a nice one j...although I know much more about you!!! Its always nice to know a side I have not known so far! Great initiative EC..on the super bloggers.


  6. Thank you all for the comments.

    Thanks EC for the feature. I enjoyed doing it.

  7. Great to see the face behind the cookie. Nice post EC and Great to know you Jayasree.


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