
Super Blogger Sunday: Priya of Easy n tasty recipes

Priya started off with a bang with 15 recipes on her first day of blogging. She posted 111 recipes during the first month and continues to post an average of 2 recipes every month..Her energy levels and interest in cooking and blogging are astounding. She excels in Vegetarian, Non vegetarian, baking and International cuisine too..

EC: Tell us something about yourself

Priya : I recently celebrated my first blog anniversary and really very glad for it..I have been always attracted towards this blogsphere but i took really a long time to enter to blog world coz i was thinking that it will be really very hard to rest and post dishes..I can definitely say that if cooking is our passion anything is possible in this blogsphere which pulled me to go for a year and almost 700 recipes...

I have a handicraft blog, which is my other passion..I love knitting, embroidery, tailoring and many more interesting crafts works..Am trying to post few of my crafts in my craft's blog as my food blog takes most of my leisure time..Have a visit to my craft blog and here is the link....

Am a part time working woman and i spend my rest of the day with my part time job helps a lot to manage my day, family and my passions..Earlier i was posting my recipes in an another blog, but few of my friends pulled me to start a blog and i started this blog to put all my posts together, its was just a pass time before but now am an addict to this blogworld..

I dont cook specially for the blog, but i plan to participate most of the events going through the blog with the ingredients presents in my pantry..sometimes i wont even plan, fortunately some dishes i have prepared fits fabulously to the event..I spend my free time in blogging and visiting many other blogger friend's blog to enjoy the virtual treats and leaving comments ,my one more pass time..

EC: Who encouraged you and what was your idea behind this food blog ??

Priya: Some of my friends encouraged me to start a food blog and Ramya of Ramya's Kitchen Corner was the one who helped me a lot and cleared my doubts..When i talked about starting food blog to my husband, he encouraged me a he is my first and best critic ..

EC: Although your blog is just a little more than a year old, you have crossed 700 recipes..that is almost 2 recipes each day on an average..How do you manage to have the energy and enthusiasm to cook so much ??

Priya : To say frankly, am posting wat i prepared for our lunch and dinner, i do cook sometimes two or three dishes in a day..sometimes i used to plan before preparing my dishes regarding the events going through the blogsphere, thats the secret of my 700recipes..

EC: Have you ever faced plagiarism. Any tips to deal with it

Priya: Its happened once, but after leaving few messages and reported to google, they have completely removed that site..Its completely ridiculous and i dunno how people enjoy doing this shameful act..Hope those peoples will respect the hardwork and efforts we put on our space..Watermarking our pictures was the best and better way to stop plagiarism, eventhough some peoples are still stealing our hard works..

EC: How has blogging brought about a change in your life ?

Priya: I got really a bunch of friends through blogging, many of them are my regular visitors and leaves their encouraging words which helps really to keep my energy and enthu to post and keep my blog active..I learned so many regional cuisines, eggless versions bakes, vegan bakes and so many things espeically regarding photography..

EC: Any memorable incident relating to blogging that would you would like to share

Priya: I won my first cook book through blogging, which is really a memorable and happy moment i never ever forget in life..

EC: Your favourite vegetarian recipe

Priya: Though i have a huge list of dishes, my favourite always goes to Paneer Jalfrezi..


  1. Nice to know more about Priya !! Nice interview!

  2. Congrats to you and Priya. Nice effort, keep it going.

  3. Too Bad i couldnt find a link to her Arts and Crafts blog

  4. Kudos EC! a befitting recognition.Knowing Priya, she would go way far with both her blogs.

  5. Great Interview! Priya does have a beautiful blog!

  6. nice to know more about u....all the best.

  7. Hi EC,
    Thank you for introducing the smart girl, who gives lovely comments in my blog. This was my last weeks wish, you fulfilled that this week. Nice interview and good job

  8. Nice interview..Glad to c priya here and know more abt her..

  9. Fantastic EC, priya's blog is an inspiring to many of us :)

  10. This is really a great idea EC. It was so nice to see and hear about my dearest friend Priya!! Thanks for your effort EC:)

  11. With 700 recipes, she is a super blogger indeed!Love to see the faces of all the fellow bloggers..Always nice to have a face with the name!

  12. Thanks all of you for your lovely comments

    @ I am Me..Probably u didnt check the links properly. There is a link to her crafts blog where she has mentioned about it

  13. Interesting read, enjoyed reading and knowing more about Priya !

  14. nice to know more about priya great post and good work EC.

  15. Nice to know about Priya and nice to see her in picture.

  16. Nice to know more about priya....wonderful work dear


  17. Hi EC,

    Saw this award on Priya's already following her..her recipes are great..What you are doing is amazing..You rock dear!



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