
'Power' less cooking event

In this era of high electricity usage, here comes an event that makes you think.

My mixer was repair for a week and that forced me to think what food i can cook without it. That gave a thought to host an event which would feature food that can be cooked without mixer, grinder, oven or short without using any electrical appliance.

Everything related to this event-

1) You can post any item- snacks, sweets, meals etc. Provide a link back to the event.

2) Last date for the event is 30th November. Round up would be sometime in the first week of december.

3) Send me your entries to with subject as 'Power' less cooking event and your name, blog name and link to the post. Non-bloggers can mail me their recipe with the photo.

4) Feel free to use this logo for the post.

Affiliate of 100% microwave cooking, Ideas money, Inspirations for life, Easy crafts, Earn a Crore, Time Pass


  1. Hi,
    Thats a good idea...coz if any one of our appliances get repair ...we are having a hard time ....An event like this should bring out many ideas from all of us...!!

  2. ec, thats quite a challenge...will see what I can do with this..

  3. Power less cooking!! That would be so hard except salads and cold Oatmeal!!I am so dependent on all things with "power"!!:D
    I will see what I can do, no promises!Diwali and Thanksgiving is up in Nov too!:))

  4. I cooked for 3 years without a mixie, grinder or microwave when in Singapore... I'll definitely try to contribute something.

  5. difficult chalaenge. will try to contribute

  6. I hate washing mixer grinder, so I cook without using these appilainces, A LOT!! :) I will definitely contribute!!

  7. i think this is such a fabulous theme.....will surely send in an entry!!

  8. Nice creative idea EC... will try to contribute dearie..:D

  9. Great idea!! Thank goodness you didn't include the stove...well mine is gas but most of them here in the US is will they cook then? :) time to put on our thinking hats :-D

  10. Good idea, agree with mamratha that u didn't include the stove. yuppie mine is gas

  11. Right Raks Kitchen...this thought of event came to me at a time when my mixer was not working and i was not able to think anything beyond sambhar for kootu, no thuvaiyal, no moru kuzhambu...

    @ Srivalli ... waiting for ur entry

    @ Asha ... thanks for linking up the event in ur blog, please do try ur best to add ur contribution to the event.

    @ Laavanya ...thats great, so i can expect lot of ideas from you.

    @ Swaroopa ..... I am sure u will come up with some post.

    @ NC ... same pinch, i too washing mixer grinder and in general vessels, maybe we should think of another event where we use just one vessel for cooking :)

    @ Arundati, Siri...thanks, waiting for ur post.

    @ Namratha, Happy cook ... suggest me ...should i allow electric gas stoves ??? I was specific on not using mixer, grinder, oven etc, never thought of electric gas stove..

  12. Such an unique idea EC. Will try something after my break. Viji

  13. nice idea.. have sent u an entry :)

  14. thanks Viji...

    Nice entry Nags...thanks

  15. Maybe you should let them you electric gas stoves as most ppl in US are using it.

  16. Ya dear, here in US we use stoves run by electricity, If thats not allowed then, the option left for us is "Salads" seriously..:))

  17. hai hai hai..that is one unique theme, will definitley will sent u something, ...

  18. I agree that i will very difficult to those in the decided to allow electric stoves too.. Thanks all of you for your lovely entries

  19. unique idea! it is high time we started thinking about energy conservation! i will definitely try to participate :))

  20. Just came across your blog. Like the idea behind your event. Have had quite a few times when unannounced power cuts resulted in such cooking. Will definitely send in an entry.

  21. Thanks Lissie And Aparna....waiting for your entries.

  22. Have sent my entry and and link for your event. Will wait for the roundup.

  23. What a super idea!! Love it! Have a post in mind...will send it sooooooon!!! :0)

  24. Dear EC,

    I sent my entry just couple of mins ago.

    ~ Siri

  25. oh i missed it :( ...waiting for next time ..


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