
Budding blogger : Sanjeeta

Meet Sanjeeta from Lite Bite..

She says ....

Hello everyone! I am Sanjeeta KK, mom of two kids, who carries a bucketful of dreams day & night, in spite of finding less time to make happen. Optimist by nature and a lover of all forms of creativity, I yearn to learn something about everything under the sun.

I like to read, cook, travel and write. Writing on food and healthy-living are a few joys of my life. Sharing it with you all will certainly increase it to manifolds. With a Masters’ degree in Economics & Business management, I am currently managing the intricacies & economies of my home.

Food, which is simple to cook and saves on time but not on health is my favorite. That is how my site Lite Bite was born. Lite recipes for right health!

Since dietary habits play a crucial role in deciding how fast one age, cooking our daily meal with a little nutritional knowledge gives an extra edge to health. Lite bite thus tries to incorporate articles on health, eating right and foods that heal, alongside many healthy-recipes.

Born in rustic Rajasthan and married in traditional Tamil Nadu of India, gives me the authority on the cuisines of these states. And in case you have time in abundance, just peep into my collection of delicious recipes from Rajasthan and many other regions to satisfy food cravings and win hearts. Browse through ( Do keep connected

Cheers!! Be happy and stay away from negative thoughts, “a light heart makes for an easy life”. Welcome to Lite bite! Hope this journey of learning and yearning about food & health prove to be rewarding for all.


  1. I recently had looked up Sanjeeta's blog and loved it.
    Kudos EC for what you are doing to the budding bloggers.

  2. Thank you EC for introducing Sanjeeta.Very nice to know you Sanjeeta.

  3. Hy,
    Glad to know abt Sanjeeta and her food blog...Interesting post.

  4. Great blogger buddy dear. I am right now heading to Sanjeeta's blog and check it out. Nice to know so much about her :)

  5. Great work EC, will surely visit.

  6. I had bookmarked your log but didn't visit it for many months. Glad i did because I'm really touched by what you have done for the budding bloggers. I gave up blogging long time ago because i never use to have traffic. I have just revived it again and finding it very unmotivated.

  7. I love Sanjeeta's blog. Its nice to know more about her. Thanks for the lovely intro' girls:)


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