
Food during Pregnancy Event

The present day working women has to satisfy her cravings for food during pregnancy by herself. This event is specially for such women who have to cook by themselves all the way till the delivery period. Your recipes could be anything from high protein salads, easy sandwiches, some pastes or readymixes which could be made and stored for a long time, healthy juices that would help you prepare a quick and easy meal.

Please make something vegetarian, healthy, simple and quick not involving any kind of strainful activity.

After posting, provide a link back to the event.

This event starts today and ends of the 10th of January. I will post the round up during mid January.

Send me your entries to with subject as 'Food during Pregnancy' event and your name, blog name and link to the post. Non-bloggers can mail me their recipe with the photo.

Feel free to use this logo for the post.

Waiting for your entries....

Affiliate of 100% microwave cooking, Ideas money, Inspirations for life, Easy crafts, Earn a Crore, Time Pass


  1. What a fabulous idea. Mine would be simple. Chocolate. In any form.


  2. Novel idea Easy crafts..!!That will be useful for many :))

  3. Good idea,EC..
    Will benefit to many..

  4. Kudos for coming up with such a theme. Will be there.

  5. Wonderful idea. Love the logo too.

  6. great idea! this would be helpful for many expecting mothers!! beautiful logo :)

  7. Good one...Very helpful for many!

  8. Wonderful idea. I will send over something soon.

  9. Thanks all of you for the encouragement...waiting for all your entries

  10. Wow Dear, did you really think about me, while coming up with this event,??..hee hee, thanks yaar, but trust me, honeslty am in the least of mindframe to be cooking anything, and even if i do, not the very very least to clik and write abt it..u see my blog, and its kind of dead by new post for long time..any way, will def. watch out for the roundup..sure, it will have something really gud for me and ma baby!!!..gud luck, tc dear

  11. What a gr8 idea.. This is going to benefit many.. Will come up with an entry soon...


Thanks for spending your valuable time reading my blog and posting your views...